alléo /al-eh-oh/
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Carbon Uprising
Carbon has gotten a bad name in recent years. And yet, fact is, carbon is an essential part of life and breath for all living things alike. We breathe it out, and plants breathe it in.
There is another fact to face though which is underscored by the recent IPCC report: unless carbon negative solutions are deployed, we will not be able to stymie the catastrophic warming of the planet.
So, fundamentally it’s not carbon that’s the problem. It’s where the carbon is, and where the carbon goes. Essentially, we are sending it to the most useful places possible, in the most useful forms. The re-purposing of carbon, the up-cycling of carbon, the employment of carbon for higher uses instead of atmospheric emissions is one thing we are tackling, which can deliver on targets, and which can give companies and countries alike a way to fulfill the targets they are seeking to fulfill.
Companies and countries sensing the threat of climate change most poignantly are committing themselves to ambitious targets to see to it they do everything they can to confront anthropogenic carbon emissions. This is inspiring to observers, but delivery on inspirational initiatives threatens to be frustrating if solutions are not provided. The salient question arises as to how precisely these targets can practically be achieved.
We believe the only way to actually deliver on the Paris accord is to deploy carbon negative solutions on a massive scale. We have a set of carbon negative processes and products to deploy. We are offering partners the opportunity to join forces in order to deliver the carbon negative opportunities Alléo harnesses on large scale.